Refund and Returns Policy

Refund/Return Policy:


If for any reason you are unhappy with any purchase from us and you’d like a refund or exchange, you must file for a return within 15 business days of packages arrival. You will be refunded the full price of the merchandise minus processing fees & shipping costs, as long as the following requirements are followed:

  • 1. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused, undamaged, and/or in the same condition as shown on website when you purchased it. It must also be in the original packaging if applicable and if unopened it must remain that way.*

  • 2. You must email us for a #RA (RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER) code first.

  • 3. Returned purchases must be returned within 7 business days after receiving your RA code.

  • 4. You must send the package back with tracking number and insured. Provide us the tracking number when the package has shipped.

  • 5. Any package refused at the time of delivery will be subject to a re-stocking fee.

  • 6. Credit card processors including our own, will not refund their processing fees on refunds as of January 1, 2023. Unfortunately this is beyond our control and a 5% processing fee will be applied to all refunds, or we can issue you a store credit in the full amount in exchange.

* Toys being sold as brand new or unopened are being sold as a collectible.  There is no way for us to test the toy therefore, items can only be returned in the manner in which they were sold. We do not accept returns on graded items. Please keep in mind that most of our products are vintage and fragile and we are not responsible for damage to items occurring after you have received your order. Failure to follow the requirements could result in a denial of the return or a 20% restocking fee.


Need help?

Contact us at {email} for questions related to refunds and returns.